2 1/2 Year Old, Transition Learning Program

2 1/2 Year Old, Transition Learning Program

Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experience in the environment. ~ Dr. Maria Montessori

Your child’s time in the 2 1/2 year old/ Transition classroom is among one of the most important of your child’s cognitive development. This is where a true foundation in academic, cognitive, social and emotional skill is created. Designed with the nurturing characteristics of the younger toddler classroom, but with a broadened focus developmentally, this classroom provides the 2 1/2 year old with gentle transition. During this time, the child is actively seeking out information and learning spoken language rapidly, as before he had only communicated through non-verbal cues. The two year old craves independence, knowledge, order, consistency and exploration of their environmental surroundings. Our Transition environment is carefully prepared for children to explore safely and achieve these developmental ideals. It is in this classroom environment that the child prepares for entrance to theĀ Preschool Program. Children will be better able to process, make sense and order of their surroundings and develop necessary social and emotional skills before moving on to more advanced learning.

We will work on tasks such as building self-confidence, personal discipline, fine and gross motor skills, and hand-eye coordination and potty training. Order within the environment (cleaning up) as well as listening, following directions and sharing with others. Sensory and Practical Life tasks are learned as well as social grace and courtesy.

Read The Montessori Transition Classroom Blog

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